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How to Finish an Essay Fast: Meet the Deadline and Ace the Rubric

finish an essay

How to finish an essay quickly? This question pops up regularly, and it will continue to while there are still procrastinators, multi-taskers, or simply forgetful people in the world. If you need to know this, you probably don't have much time to waste, so we will cut the preface short.

In this post, we will look at two urgent cases – essays that are due tomorrow and essays you must finish within an hour. We will also give some tips on finishing your paper in style instead of abandoning it mid-argument because you've met the word count and exhausted your thinking capacity. Grab that coffee and strap in.

How to Finish an Essay in One Night

An average college essay is not as clear-cut as an admission essay or a written assignment on your exam sheet. Depending on a discipline, topic, and assignment requirements, it can be anywhere between 1,500 and 5,000 words taking you from 5 to 17 hours to finish.

So, to answer the question of finishing your essay by means of pulling an all-nighter: it is doable under certain conditions:

  • - the paper in question is 3,000 words or fewer
  • - you have a quiet place all to yourself, and no one will interrupt you
  • - you are motivated and (reasonably) alert
  • - you have all the means of doing research (books on your desk, online connection, access to statistics, etc.)

Now, here are some tips to make it possible:

  • Plan the time for every stage of your work. Budget a quarter of the time you have for research and outlining, another quarter for editing and proofreading, and a half for actual writing. Divide the writing time proportionately to the parts of your essay.
  • Track your progress in terms of the essay's essential parts. Don't check the word count obsessively – it will only distract you, and you will lose focus and precious time.
  • Accept from the get-go that this is not going to be your best paper. Focus on making a decent effort and writing it on time. You will have to drop some examples or arguments if they take too much time to prove and back up by evidence.
  • Fight the temptation to plagiarize. This will disqualify your essay and render all your present struggles useless. You may add some quotes to beef up the word count, but you should still stay within the limits of allowed non-original content.
  • Snack if you feel peckish, but avoid fatty foods – they will make you sleepy. Better stock up on apples, nuts, and water and keep them near.
  • Absolutely exclude social media. Mute all notifications.
  • Plan two refreshing naps during the night. Set the alarm for 20 minutes and let yourself doze off. You don't lose much time, but you gain tenfold in perkiness.
  • However, make sure that you are as far from your bed as possible while you are working on your essay. Sinking back against the pillows with your laptop on your knees may seem a good idea… until you wake up in the morning to 10 pages of "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…"

Alternatively, go ahead and have some sleep. You obviously need it. Just make sure to delegate your essay to a trusted online paper writer before you set the alarm.

We take urgent orders that are due in three hours. Imagine what our team can do if you give us the whole night!

How to Finish an Essay in 1 Hour

When you sit for an exam or a test, you are often asked to submit an essay question as well – and the entire paper is timed. What if you have only an hour before the "pencils down" signal?

Usually, such an essay is 300 to 500 words, with the highest humanly possible limit of 1,000 words for an adequate, readable text not written by a professional. It's not long, but you are in for an intense hour since you will have to read the prompt, take time to process it, decide on your theme, outline, write, and proofread. Here are some tips for using this time efficiently.

  • Read the prompt. Take a deep breath. Breathe out all your anxiety. Too much stress is paralyzing, and you want to be productive.
  • Plan your time. Take about 10 minutes to think about your topic and come up with the central thesis statement. Devote another 35-40 minutes to writing. Spend the remaining 10-15 minutes editing and proofreading.
  • Not rushing out to write and taking a minute to ponder over the prompt is vital. You don't want to misunderstand the wording and waste your time writing the answer to the wrong question.
  • Don't skip outlining. Write down the key ideas you want to develop in the form of topical sentences. This way, you won't forget anything and will understand the scope of your work better.
  • Write as you think, in simple expressions. Don't edit just yet. You will have a chance to split complicated passages and sprinkle taffeta phrases for effect at the editing stage.
  • If you feel stuck, try reading what you have already written. Is the argument compelling? What is missing? Do you miss a key point in your essay? Or maybe all key points are there, but some of them need more elaboration?
  • Finish essay by echoing back to the thesis statement. Your conclusion is the reverse of your introduction.
  • Know when to end. Remember that you must leave enough time to scan the text for coherence, correct spelling and grammar mistakes.

Words to Finish an Essay on a Strong Note

Students often ask us, "Do I have to write a conclusion? Can I finish my essay with my last argument? Why repeat the things that I have already said twice: in the introduction and in the body?" Well, you don't have to write a conclusion, but it's in your best interest if you will. The last passage of your essay is probably what your reader will remember best. It serves you by cementing your point. Don't underestimate this humble little paragraph.

Here are some ways to give your essay a complete and well-rounded feel without spending too much time on it.

  • The classical way to conclude an essay would be to gloss over the main points you have explored in the body. Do it as if you only had 2 minutes to explain your writing to a person who never read it, logically leading up to your thesis's reaffirmation.
  • Use a framing device. If you have started with an anecdote or a bold statement for a hook sentence, hark back to it in your conclusion. How did the intriguing story end? How do you answer the question you have asked the readers? How is the information given in a hook relevant to the argument?
  • Ask a rhetorical question. You have already stated your point and gave evidence to support it. If reiterating your thesis statement seems like an exercise in futility, try ending your essay with a question to promote discussion. This way, you will seamlessly hand the baton to the reader and finish off without investing too much time in it.
  • End with a relevant, thought-provoking quote. Some writing advisors say that quotes are overused and lazy, but appeal to authority is a tried and true rhetoric device. It's even more legit if it saves you time and boosts the word count.
  • Show the broader implication of your thesis. What does this mean for your readers, your community, the society at large?

Can You Help Me Finish My Essay?

If the time isn't the only issue and you are just fed up with writing, you can always turn to us for help. Of course, you could just start from the clean slate and order a completely new sample. However, it would be a shame to let your original thoughts and the time you have spent on this work go to waste.

We can finish your essay using your drafts (or even just an outline) as a basis. Place the order, indicate "Finish my essay" in the "Paper details" field, and attach the file with your unfinished draft in the Control Panel. Leave it all to us and go back to doing something productive.

We will write your essay the way you would do if you had time and inspiration!

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